Sponsorship Options
Our sponsorship plan provides several options. Please do not hesitate to discuss your preferences or ideas with us.
All sponsorship support contributes to an important and wide kaupapa of creating the foundations for flourishing Māori futures and bringing positive change and transformation to the nation and the wider world.
If you would like to discuss any of the below opportunities, please contact Marie-Chanel Berghan at m.berghan@auckland.ac.nz.
All prices are GST exclusive.
Co-host Conference with Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga
- Visibility: Prominent logo placement on all conference materials, ensuring your brand is seen by a wide audience
- Engagement: A 5-minute welcome address at the opening ceremony, providing a direct platform to connect with attendees.
- Advertisement: An advertisement in the conference handbook, reaching all participants and extending your message beyond the event.
- Exhibition: Exhibition space at the conference venue, allowing you to interact directly with attendees, display your products or services, and foster meaningful connections with a diverse audience of Indigenous scholars, leaders, and community members.
- Acknowledgement: Mention in media releases and on the conference website, enhancing your public profile and association with a prestigious event.
- Collateral giveaway: One item (to be supplied by sponsor) given away to all delegates.
- Access: Four complimentary conference registrations and conference dinner tickets offering exclusive networking opportunities with key delegates.
- Values Alignment: Recognition as a leader in supporting Indigenous research and community empowerment
In-association sponsor
- Visibility: Prominent logo placement on all conference materials, ensuring your brand is seen by a wide audience
- Advertisement: An advertisement in the conference handbook, reaching all participants and extending your message beyond the event.
- Exhibition: Exhibition space at the conference venue, allowing you to interact directly with attendees, display your products or services, and foster meaningful connections with a diverse audience of Indigenous scholars, leaders, and community members.
- Acknowledgement: Mention in media releases and on the conference website, enhancing your public profile and association with a prestigious event.
- Collateral giveaway: One item (to be supplied by sponsor) given away to all delegates.
- Access: Two complimentary conference registrations and conference dinner tickets offering exclusive networking opportunities with key delegates.
- Values Alignment: Recognition for supporting sustainable futures and knowledge sharing.
In-association sponsor
- Visibility: Logo placement on conference website, ensuring your brand is seen by a wide audience.
- Collateral giveaway: One item (to be supplied by sponsor) given away to all delegates.
- Access: One complimentary conference registration offering networking opportunities with key delegates.
- Exhibition booth: 3m wide and 1.2m deep with 3 x 2.3m high walls covered with a Velcro ‘hook’ compatible fabric.
- Values Alignment: Recognition as a leader in supporting Indigenous research and community empowerment, aligning your brand with vital social and cultural initiatives.
In-association sponsor
- On application, please contact: iirc@auckland.ac.nz
- Market stalls will be assigned an open space, that includes and fits:
- – One trestle table
- – Two chairs
- – A tablecloth
IIRC Sponsors
Kaitiakitanga Sponsor


Kaitiakitanga Sponsor

Poroporoakī Sponsor

Masterclass Sponsor

Masterclass Sponsor